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Data Export


This article describes how to configure Wcc Lite to export data to external servers step by step.

Data export functionality is available since firmware version v1.5.0, of WCC Lite.

Data Export.png

Fig. 1 Wcc Lite's gathered data export to external server

First step: Configuring the Devices sheet of excel configuration

To fully configure the "Data Export" device and it's signals, user can use the tables provided in the manual of Wcc Lite -> Data Export section or use the tables below in this article. Important to notice that some parameters to declare the Data Export device and it's signals are required and some of them are optional. In this article we will mainly use the required ones and a few of the optional parameters, to reach the desired outcome of signals exporting. Also, some parameters has default values, even if the parameters are not required, so please make sure that the default value is the same as needed, otherwise change it to the correct one from the available choices and describe it in excel configuration.

Data export (data-export) parameters for Devices tab table:





Default value

(when not specified)




name string

User-friendly device name


device_alias string

Device alias to be used in configuration


enable boolean

Enabling/disabling of a device

No 1 0 1
protocol string

Selection of protocol

Data Export
timeout integer

The time frame during which transmission to the remote server has to be completed (in seconds)

No 5

type string

Selection of file format

No csv-simple





host string

A URL of the remote server where files should be sent




Frequency of generated file uploads (in seconds)

No 60



A maximum amount of data change entries to hold before initiating the logging mechanism

No 100



Describe how frequently the data buffer of records_buffer_size is saved to the file




A folder in the WCC Lite file system to save generated files (”/var/cache/data-export”)




Selection of time format

No unixtimestamp unixtimestamp, iso8601



Selection of file compression mechanism

No none none, gz, tar.gz



Enable the feature of file password protection

yes, true



Columns separator in .csv file format 

No "," - (comma)

"," - (comma)

";" - (semicolon)

"." - (dot)

" " - whitespace)

"|" - (pipe)



Decimal separator in values 

No "." - (dot)

"." - (dot) 

"," - (comma)

The same symbols cannot be selected for both csv_field_separator and csv_decimal_separator. In such case both of them will be set to default values ­ ”.” and ”,” respectively.

The data generation rate may be going to be bigger than what the data buffer can hold (controlled by records_buffer_size and logging_period_sec). To make sure that no data loss occurs there’s an additional data logging call made in case the data buffer reaches a records_buffer_size value.

For this example configuration, the Wcc Lite's template configuration for IOMod 8AI Modbus RTU protocol is being used. Simply in Devices sheet add the information required for Data Export service. As it can be seen in Fig. 2 to declare the Data Export device in Devices sheet a few parameters were used:  name, description, device_alias, enable, protocol, type, upload_rate_sec, record_buffer_size, timestamp and host


Fig. 2 Describing the Data Export service in Devices sheet of excel configuration

Host URL format rules

The parameter host is highly configurable and might contain a considerable amount of information:

• Protocol - FTP or HTTP (encrypted and encrypted);

• URL address - both resolved and non-resolved;

• Authentication - pair of users and/or passwords;

• Port - useful when non-standard value is used;

• Endpoint - a place in the server to which a call is made

The format for the host parameter can be summarized as:

[ h t t p ( s ) / f t p ( s ) ] : / / [ [ u s e r ] : [ p a s s w o r d ]@] [ URL ] [ : p o r t ] / [ e n d p o i n t ]

Options are printed in square brackets. A protocol has to be selected, otherwise HTTP will be used as a default. The user and password pair is optional, but if the user: password pair is used, it should proceed with the @ sign.

HTTP and FTP use default or user-assigned ports. By default HTTP uses port 80, while HTTPS uses port 443, FTP sends data over port 21, FTPS - over port 990. Make sure that these ports are open in the firewall on both the server and client side, otherwise, data will not be sent successfully.

Finally, a POST request (for HTTP) or upload (for FTP) can be made to a specific place (endpoint). This endpoint should be described after a URL and port (if used).

Second step: Configuring the DataExport sheet of excel configuration

Signals to be sent are configured differently than signals for most other protocols. As data export service only transmits signals and does no data processing, usual signal logic is not used for them. That means that:

• Signals for data export service are not seen in the Imported Signals tab;
• Signals for data export service are configured in a different Excel sheet called DataExport

The parameters to be filled in the DataExport sheet are shown in the table below.

Data export (data-export) parameters for the DataExport tab





Default value

(when not specified)






Device alias to be used in configuration Yes




User-friendly device name as in the Device sheet


tag_name string

User-friendly signal name


source_device_alias string

device_alias of a source device


source_signal_alias string

source_alias of a source signal


enable boolean

Enabling/disabling of a measurement to be transmitted and logged

No 1 0 1
attribute string

An additional attribute to be attached to a signal


To configure Wcc Lite to export data to an external server user must declare the signals for every measurement that needs to be exported, as well as describe the device (Data Export) in Devices sheet. This is done simply by linking signals from other protocols to the signals declared for exporting data. In Fig. 3 it is shown how measurements from IOMod 8AI (Signals_IOMod sheet device_alias and signal_alias) are linked to the signals (DataExport sheet source_device_alias and source_signal_alias) that will be exported to the server, which is declared as "Host" parameter in Devices sheet of excel configuration.


Fig. 3 Linking of the measurements from IOMod 8AI to Data Export signals

Data representation in HTTP(S) server

First thing to mention, that if user wants to export the data to an external server, the Wcc Lite should have access to the internet. This is done simply by connecting Wcc Lite's ETH1 port to the Ethernet port of the internet router. 


Fig. 4 Wcc Lite's ETH1 port connected to the internet router for internet access

For the representation of data in HTTP(S) or FTP(S) servers, user can use one of the available servers that can be found online. In this specific example online HTTP server was used. When registered to the site, generate the URL for the server. This URL can be seen in example configuration Devices tab "host" parameter for Data Export device ( When the communication between Wcc Lite and IOMod is normal, and Wcc Lite is gathering measurements through Modbus RTU protocol, these measurement, as described before, are linked to Data Export signals. These signal values then are exported to the predefined HTTP(S) server in a defined file format. 

On the online server a POST request (for HTTP) is being done and the data has been exported to it. As it can be seen in the Fig. 5, first URL is the same as the one declared in "Host" parameter for the Data Export service. Then the File and it's name, where the gathered data is being put and the URL on the bottom to download this file. How these measurements are represented in json_samples format can be seen in Fig. 6 and in the tag-log-1727347342174741-322120016.json file on the bottom of this article. Also to see other file formats for exported data please check Data Export article in Wcc Lite manual.


Fig. 5 Information in HTTP server about the data packet exported from Wcc Lite


Fig. 6 Measurements exported in json-samples format

Files used in this article:

1. IOMod8AI_data_export.xlsx

2. tag-log-1727347342174741-322120016.json