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769 total results found

WCCLite - RTU and datalogger

All information about WCCLite usage: - as RTU; - as Datalogger;


Configuration - General

Introduction Services tab shows the services of the device and contains the following subsections: Services tab shows the services of the device and contains the following subsections: TELEMETRY AGENT: device telemetry sending to a remote server; IPSEC:...

16 Specific protocols


– Aurora (ABB PV inverters protocol) – PowerOne (ABB PV inverters protocol) – SMA Net (SMA PV inverters protocol) – Kaco (Kaco PV inverters protocol) – Ginlong (Ginlong PV inverters protocol) – Solplus (Solutronic AG PV inverters protocol) – ComLynx (Dan...

18 Excel Configuration


Protocol HUB uses the configuration in excel file format. Each sheet represents a specific part of the configuration: Devices contain device lists and protocol-related configurations. Signals contain a list of signals and their options. First-line on ea...

12 DNP 3.0


13 Modbus


15 IEC 61850


20 Programmable logic controller


A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a digital device adapted for control of processes which require high reliability, ease of programming and real­time responses. Such functionality has long since replaced hard­wired relays, timers and sequencers which wo...

14 IEC 60870-5-10X

Manual 1.7.0

20 Programmable logic controller

Manual 1.7.0

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a digital device adapted for control of processes which require high reliability, ease of programming and real­time responses. Such functionality has long since replaced hard­wired relays, timers and sequencers which wo...

18 Excel Configuration

Manual 1.7.0

Protocol HUB uses the configuration in excel file format. Each sheet represents a specific part of the configuration: Devices contain device lists and protocol-related configurations. Signals contain a list of signals and their options. First-line on ea...

17 Metering protocols

Manual 1.7.0

- DLMS/COSEM - IEC 62056-21 - MBus Serial/TCP - Elgama (Meters based on IEC 62056-21 / 31 protocols)

IEC 62056-21
MBus Serial


Configuration - General

The page shows information about current interface status, its configurations, provides various interface, network properties configuration capabilities and contains the following subsections:• INTERFACES: shows information about current interface status, al...

Protocol HUB

Configuration - General

Full Protocol HUB section is only available on “Cloud gateway” firmware type.For “RTU” firmware type refer to Sequence of Events and Imported Signals subsections. Protocol HUB section stores configuration for every connected device. There are three ways to co...


Configuration - General

Overview System System section in status tab shows basic information about current status of the system.Hostname: The label that is used to identify the device in the network.Model: Model of the device.Firmware version: Current firmware version.Kernel versio...


Configuration - General

To log out of the device graphical user interface a logout button in interface’s upper right corner should be pressed. A user is automatically disconnected after ten minutes of inactivity. This ensures that the device would not be suspect to any deliberate d...

14 IEC 60870-5-10X


Device configuration

Excel configuration

Protocol HUB uses configuration in excel file format. Each sheet represents a specific part of configuration: Devices contains device list and protocol related configuration. Signals contains a list of signals and their options. First line on each sheet...

Signals sheet

Excel configuration

Signals sheet contains all signals linked to devices. Each signal is defined in single row. Signal list can be split in multiple sheets. Each sheet name may start as Signals. Required attributes These attributes are mandatory for every configured signal. Eve...

Uploading configuration

Excel configuration

As of WCC Lite version v1.4.0 there are three separate ways to import the configuration: import an Excel file via web interface, generate compressed configuration files and later upload them via web interface; or generate compressed configuration files and upl...

Mathematical functions

Excel configuration

Signal value might require some recalculation or signal update prior to being sent. Understandably, existing columns in Excel configuration like multiply, add, bit_select might not be flexible enough. To overcome these limitations, symbolic mathematical expres...

WAN IP Setup

How To

Description One o the first steps in RTU/Datalogger setting up is to prepare connection to internet or a specific private network over Ethernet or GSM. This article describes WAN over Ethernet connection setup. Setting WAN IP Go to Network → Interfaces →...

WCC Lite specifications


Features • 1xRS485/232; 1xRS485; 2xEthernet• 1 x Digital Input• 1 x Relay output• WIFI, 2G/3G/4G(LTE) integrated communication• 2 SIM card modem• PLC logic• Internal memory: SD card• RTC clock and NTP server/client• Hardware Watchdog• Alarm management• User ...

WCC Lite status indication and control


Status indication Reset button The reset button is located on the front panel of WCC Lite, to access it, remove a transparent front panel cover. Different time lengths of button pressing call different behaviour. Pressing time Description Indication ...

Installing the WCC Lite


Mounting To mount the device:1. Secure the top of the mounting clip onto a DIN rail.2. Push the bottom of a device forward to fix the clip in place. To dismount the device:1. Pull red coloured clip downwards (found at the bottom side of the DIN rail).2. Pull...

WCC Lite interfaces


WCC lite supports various interfaces to be acquire data and control external circuitry. That includes two serial port interfaces, relay output, digital input and external cellular connection antennae. Serial port interfaces WCC Lite WCC Lite has 2 serial por...

WCC Lite Tags

Configuration - General

Single point Commonly used in storing digital states single point values have only one bit of information. The value of such tags can be either one or zero. On the internal web of WCC Lite states of this type of tags are shown in colored boxes with customisa...

Connect to WCC Lite

How To

In order to connect to the WCC Lite: Power up the WCC Lite Once the WCC Lite boots up, plug an ethernet cable into the ETH0 port. Connect the other end of the cable to the Ethernet interface of your PC/Mac Make sure DHCP is enabled on your Ethernet interf...

IOMOD models and types


The IOmod series comprises devices that incorporate various input and output modules. These modules all operate using one of three firmware versions (except for 4Cs4Vs, which uses one of two). These firmware versions serve to distinguish the communication prot...

Enable Internet or WAN for connected devices

How To

In order to enable connected devices communication through the router it is needed to enable Masquerading for outgoing packets on WAN interface: Go to Network → Firewall→ General settings Select Masquerading on WAN interface and click on Save & Apply   ...

IEC 61499

Programmable logic controller (PLC)

Introduction IEC 61499-1 defines the architecture for distributed systems. In IEC 61499 the cyclic execution model of IEC 61131 is replaced by an event driven execution model. The event driven execution model allows for an explicit specification of the execut...

17 Metering protocols


- DLMS/COSEM - IEC 62056-21 - MBus Serial/TCP - Elgama (Meters based on IEC 62056-21 / 31 protocols)

IEC 62056-21
MBus Serial

8 Internal web page


WCC Lite is configured via an internal web browser, so no additional software is required.

The Vinci Expert - Protocol analyser

THE VINCI EXPERT is a serial communication line converter with state of the art features. THE VINCI EXPERT is the best choice for application requiring the highest versatility of physical serial communication interfaces. In combination with THE VINCI SOFTWAR...


This manual is for software version 1.6.2

IOMOD's - Input / Output modules

Input and output modules as an extension of WCCLite RTU and Datalogger. As well IOMOD's can be used as separate devices with integration capabilities to 3rd party systems.


Downloads for all Elseta products.

Other devices


Configuration - General

The basic setup of common settings.

How To

Explaining documents how to setup.


Hardware description. Technical specifications.

Excel configuration

How to use excel configuration. What are functions supported.


General information about IOMOD series. It describes general requirements and features of IOMOD devices.

ChangeLog - IOMOD firmware version

Firmware release notes. - known issues; - new features; - release dates; - links to firmware files.

Tools and software

Here you will find all necessary tools to setup and configure IOmod devices.

Programmable logic controller (PLC)

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a digital device adapted for control of processes which require high reliability, ease of programming and real-time responses. Such functionality has long since replaced hard-wired relays, timers and sequencers which ...

The Vinci Expert

This page covers all documentations about The Vinci Expert (hardware) technical specifications, use cases, manuals, tips, and tricks, and others.

The Vinci Software

This chapter covers ONLY The Vinci Software from v3.0.0. All older The Vinci Software versions are documented inside The Vinci Software about Chapter.


IOMod 16DI – industrial 16 digital input module.

IEC 60870-5-101
IEC 60870-5-103
Modbus RTU

6 Interfaces


WCC lite supports various interfaces to acquire data and control external circuitry. That includes two serial port interfaces, relay output, digital input, and external cellular connection antenna.


IOMod 8DI8DO – industrial 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs module.

IEC 60870-5-101
Modbus RTU
IEC 60870-5-103


IOMod 8AI – industrial 8 analog inputs module.

IEC 60870-5-101
Modbus RTU
IEC 60870-5-103


IOMod 4RTD – industrial 4 temperature sensors module.

IEC 60870-5-101
Modbus RTU
IEC 60870-5-103


IOMod HT – temperature and humidity sensor

Modbus RTU
IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60870-5-101

WCCLite Downloads

IOMOD Series Downloads

The Vinci Downloads

How To

Explaining documents on how to set up.

Configuration over USB

Tools and software

IOMod setup with WCC Lite

How To

In this chapter you will learn how to connect all kinds of Elseta IOMods to the WCC Lite


The Vinci Software

Protocol Specific

The Vinci Software

4 WCC Lite status indication and control


5 Installing the WCC Lite


Comlynx to Modbus TCP protocol conversion

How To

Description This article describes WCC Lite configuration steps to enable Comlynx protocol conversion to Modbus TCP First steps Before you begin, make sure you have completed all physical installation work according to the manufacturer's installation in...