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18.1 Devices sheet

The device sheet contains all devices to be configured on the gateway. Each row represents one device and its settings. The following options are required for each device:

  • name - Name of the device. Used for representation only.
  • description - A short description of the device. Used for representation only.
  • device_alias - A unique short name for the device. It is used for linking signals to a device.

An alias can only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes ( - and _ ). The alias must be unique for each device.

  • protocol - Protocol type to use on the device. The exact values of protocols are written in every protocol documentation. Please look into the range of supported protocols:

IEC 61850 MMS:

  – IEC 61850 Client (since FW 1.5.0)

  – IEC 61850 Server (since FW 1.5.0)

IEC 60870-5:

  – IEC 60870-5-101 master

  – IEC 60870-5-101 slave

  – IEC 60870-5-103 master

  – IEC 60870-5-104 master

  - IEC 60870-5-104 slave

DNP 3.0 Serial/LAN/WAN:

  - DNP3 Master

  – DNP3 Slave

Modbus Serial/TCP:

  - Modbus RTU/ASCII

  – Modbus TCP

Metering protocols:

  - DLMS/COSEM (since FW 1.3.0)

  – IEC 62056-21 (since FW 1.2.13)

  – MBus Serial

  – MBus TCP

  – Elgama (Meters based on IEC 62056-21 / 31 protocols)

Industrial IOT protocols:



Specific protocols: 

– Aurora (ABB PV inverters protocol)

– PowerOne (ABB PV inverters protocol)

– SMA Net (SMA PV inverters protocol)

– Kaco (Kaco PV inverters protocol)

– Ginlong (Ginlong PV inverters protocol)

– Solplus (Solutronic AG PV inverters protocol)

– ComLynx (Danfoss PV inverters protocol)

– Delta (Delta PV inverters protocol)

– Windlog (Wind sensors from RainWise Inc.)

– Vestas ( Wind turbines protocol)

– Internal data

– VBus.

Although device name rules aren’t strictly enforced, it is highly advised to give a unique name to every new device. Identical device names might introduce confusion while searching for signals in the Imported Signals tab.

Optional settings

  • enable - Flag to enable or disable a device on the system. Can contain values 0 or 1.
  • event_history_size - Maximum number of signal events to save on the device for later review. Older records will be erased. This feature is only available on cloud firmware.

Serial port settings

Required for any protocol that uses serial line communication.

  • device - Serial port for communication (PORT1/PORT2)
  • baudrate - Serial port speed. Valid values: 300; 600; 12002400; 4800; 9600; 19200; 38400; 57600; 115200
  • databits - Number of data bits (6-9)
  • stopbits - Number of stop bits (1-2)

  • parity - Parity mode (none/even/odd)

  • flowcontrol - Flow control method (none/hardware/software)

TCP/IP settings

Settings for any protocol that uses communication over TCP/IP. Note that all TLS certificates and keys are stored in a single folder therefore only the name and not the path should be filled in respective fields.

TLS fields are only supported for IEC 61850 Client and Server, IEC-60870-5-104 Slave, and DNP3 Master and Slave, MQTT.

  • ip - IP address for a master protocol to connect to;
  • bind_address - one of the local IP addresses to bind the server to. Connections through other network devices will be ignored;
  • host - space-separated host IP addresses of master devices;
  • port - TCP port to listen for incoming connections;
  • tls_local_certificate - the name of the local TLS certificate;
  • tls_peer_certificate - the name of a certificate authority (CA) TLS certificate;
  • tls_private_key - the name of a private key for making TLS connections.