Comlynx protocol is used to communicate with Comlynx inverters over serial communication.
Comlynx parameters for Device tab:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Required |
Default value (when not specified) |
Range |
Min |
Max |
name | string | User-friendly device name | Yes | |||
description | string | Description of the device | No | |||
device_alias | string | Device alias to be used in configuration | Yes | |||
enable | boolean | Enabling/disabling of a device | No | 1 | 0 | 1 |
protocol | string | Selection of protocol | Yes | Comlynx | ||
address | integer | Device address | No | 1 | ||
subnet | integer | Subnet address | No | 0 | ||
network | integer | Network address | No | 0 | ||
device | string | Communication port | Yes | PORT1 | PORT2 | |
baudrate | integer | Communication speed (bauds/s) | No | 19200 | 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 | |
databits | integer | Data bit count for communication | No | 8 | 6 | 9 |
stopbits | integer | Stop bit count for communication | No | 1 | 1 | 2 |
parity | string | Communication parity option (”none”/”even”/”odd”) |
No | none | ||
flowcontrol | string | Communication device flow control option. (Default: (case-sensitive): ”none”) | No | none | ||
scan_rate_ms | integer | If provided and positive all reads and writes will be executed within the timeframe in milliseconds. | No | 10000 | ||
poll_delay_ms | integer | Minimum time delay in milliseconds to wait before sending any data on port. | No | 200 | ||
timeout_ms | integer | Timeout in milliseconds | No | 2500 | 0 | 60000 |
Comlynx parameters for the Signals tab:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Required |
Default value (when not specified) |
Range |
Min |
Max |
signal_name | string | User-friendly device name | Yes | |||
device_alias | string | Device alias from a Devices tab | Yes | |||
signal_alias | string | Unique alphanumeric name of the signal to be used | Yes | |||
enable | boolean | Enabling/disabling of an individual signal | No | 1 | 0 | 1 |
log | integer | Allow signal to be logged. | No | 0 | ||
job_todo | boolean | Define tag-function | Yes | |||
tag_job_todo | string | Define tag action that depends on tag function | Yes | |||
number_type |
Type of a number (FLOAT, DOUBLE, DIGITAL, etc.) | Yes | |||
pulse_short_time_ms | integer | The time interval for short output pulse to stay active | No | 0 | ||
pulse_long_time_ms | integer | The time interval for a long output pulse to stay active | No | 0 |