IEC 101 Master Simulator Tutorial
Initial Setup
The first thing to do when setting up is to connect the IOMod to the computer using The Vinci Expert to convert from RS485 to USB. You need to connect it like in the diagram depicted below.
- Connect The Vinci Device to the computer using a micro USB cable.
- Using an ethernet cable connect one end to the Vinci, and the other two wires to IEC101 Device A and B pins.
- If the wire is connected using RJ-45 the A wire will be the orange striped wire and the B wire will be the single color orange wire.
Standard settings in the Vinci software are for an RJ-45 cable, but it is configurable using the Hardware tab.
Selecting protocol and mode
Fig. 1. Selecting protocol and mode
After the ethernet cable has been connected it's time to open The Vinci Software and start configuring the simulated device parameters. Since The Vinci Expert will simulate the Master (Client) when the software is started just select the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol and select Master mode.
Selecting the Serial parameters
Fig. 2. Selecting the Serial parameters
The next step is to choose the correct serial port for your device and then set up serial communication parameters like baudrate, parity, databits, and stopbits in accordance with your device.
Selecting the protocol parameters
Fig. 3. Selecting the protocol parameters
Go to the settings tab when you have serial communication parameters configured. Now it's time to configure your device according to your Device settings. The defaults that are here are usually the defaults in most cases, but make sure to double-check.
Establishing a connection with the device
Fig. 4. Establishing a connection with the device.
Pressing the green "START" button should establish serial communication with the device. After the device responds with link status commands can be sent. Commands can be found on the right side of the Vinci software in the system tab.
Calling General interrogation
Fig. 5. Calling General interrogation
A simple command to start and check if the device is responding and/or configured correctly is General interrogation just press the send button and the command will be sent to the device.
Sending Clock synchronization
Fig. 6. Sending Clock synchronization
Another command that is usually sent whenever a connection is established is Clock synchronization. You can check the PC time checkbox so it sends the date of your computer and ignores whatever is selected in the date selection text box.
After sending the commands you desire all data that the slave responded with will be displayed in the statistics tab. In this case, the data is from a 16DI IOMod.