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12.2 DNP 3.0 Master

Default group and variation sets are used to send commands. If slave devices support different groups and variations, they can be adjusted in Excel configuration. For more information check section Excel configuration.

Configuring datapoints

To use DNP3 Master in WCC Lite, it has to be configured via an Excel configuration. This configuration contains two Excel sheets where parameters have to be filled in ­Devices and Signals.

DNP3 Master parameters for Devices tab




Default value

(when not specified)




name string  User-friendly device name Yes


description string Description of a device No


device_alias string Alphanumeric string to identify a device Yes

enable boolean Enabling/disabling of a device No 1 0 1
protocol string Protocol to be used (”dnp3 serial”/”dnp3 tcp” (case insensitive)) Yes

mode string Choosing between TCP, TLS and SERIAL modes. If protocol provided DNP3 TCP mode defaults to tcp and if DNP3 serial is provided mode defaults to serial No TCP or SERIAL TCP, SERIAL
ip string IP address of TCP slave device Yes (for TCP).

bind_address  string IP address of network adapter used to connect to slave device No (for TCP)

port integer TCP communication port No (for TCP) 20000

device integer Communication port (”PORT1” or ”PORT2”) Yes (for

baudrate integer Communication speed, bauds/s No (for
9600 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,115200
databits integer Data bit count for communication No (for
8 6 9
stopbits integer Stop bit count for communication No (for
1 0 2
parity string Communication parity option No (for
none none, even, odd
flowcontrol string Communication device flow control option.  No (for
none none
tls boolean Enable/disable use of TLS

Yes (for
0 0 1
tls_local_certificate string Local certificate for TLS connection Yes (for TLS)

tls_peer_certificate string Certificate authority file for TLS connection No (for

tls_private_key string File consisting of private key for TLS connection No (for

max_rx_frag_size integer Maximum size of a received fragment. No 2048 0 2048
destination_address integer Address of a master station No 1 0 65535
source_address integer Address of a slave (local) station. No 1 0 65535
unsol_disable bool Disables unsolicited messages on startup. Overrides unsol_classes parameter.  No 0 0 1
unsol_classes string Defines which classes will have unsolicited actions on startup. Can be overriden with unsol_disable. (Example: "1,3,2") No no class 1 3
groups_scan_mask integer Bitmask for enabling separate
group scans with x06 qualifier (all objects). The parameter value is converted into a binary number where each bit stands for a separate group. Bits indexes and the groups that they represent:
0 -­ Binary,
1 ­- Double­bit Binary,
2 ­- Binary Output Status,
3 ­- Counter,
4 ­- Frozen Counter,
5 ­- Analog,
6 ­- Analog Output Status,
7 ­- Octet String

(Example: 115 (0111 0011) will trigger data polls for signals whose types are - Binary, Double-­bit Binary, Frozen Counter, Analog, Analog Output Status)
No 0 0 7



Time between separate groups scans intervals in seconds. Set to 0 to disable. No 0 0



Time between exception scan (classes 1,2,3) intervals in seconds. Set to 0 to disable. No 0 0



Time between integrity scan (classes 0,1,2,3) intervals in seconds (general interrogation). Set to 0 to disable. No 0 0
timesync_mode string Will override masters default setting for choosing timesync procedure No

NON-LAN(for Serial)

LAN (for tcp)





Periodic time sync interval in seconds.

If 0 < ­- time syncs are forced and periodic.

If = 0 ­- time syncs react to IIN bits from slave.

If < 0 -­ time syncs are disabled.

No 0 0
select_ms integer Select command timeout. Valid for all signals. No 10000

timeout_ms integer Response timeout in milliseconds



keep_alive_timeout integer Time interval for sending a keep alive
packet in milliseconds.
No 60

DNP3 Master parameters for Signals tab




Default value

(when not specified)




signal_name string User-friendly signal name Yes


device_alias string Device alias from a Devices tab Yes

Unique alphanumeric name of the signal to be used Yes

enable boolean Enabling/disabling a device No 1 0 1
index integer Index of a signal. Yes
0 65535
log boolean Enable logging in the event log No 0 0
signal_type string DNP3 signal type. (case



command_variation integer

DNP3 command variation.
Supported variations depend on signal type and are provided in the table below

No 0 0 4
static_variation integer DNP3 command variation (). Supported variations depend
on signal type and are provided in the table below.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
event_variation integer DNP3 command variation. Supported variations depend on signal type and are provided in the table below.


0 8
control_code integer

DNP3 control model code of CROB signal. TripClose and Pulse control model requires PulseOn/off times to be set

pulse_on_time_ms integer Pulse ON time in milliseconds, when using Pulse or TripClose control models must be set No

pulse_off_time_ms integer Pulse OFF time in milliseconds, when using Pulse or TripClose control models must be set No

class_num integer Class assignment of this signal. No 0 0 3
operate_type integer
No 1 -1 1
job_todo string The device status signal can be configured by providing one of the given values.

Device status signals

To configure any device status signal for the DNP3 protocol additional job_todo column is required.  For DNP3 master required parameters for status signal will be: signal_name, device_alias, signal_alias, index, signal_typeevent_variation (1,2 or 3) and job_todo. There are 4 possible signals: communication_status, device_running, device_error, uknown_error. Each signal has 4 possible values and is based on the same logic. If the signal returns the value of 0, it means an unknown error has appeared, 1 – device or protocol connection is on and working properly, 2 – device is off or protocol is disconnected, 3 – error or service is down.

Command variations
Signal Type Available Command Variation Default Command Variation
Binary Output Command (Group12) 0, 1 1
Analog Output Command (Group41) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 1
Static and Event variations
Signal Type Available Variations Default Variations
Binary Static variation (Group1) 1, 2
Event variation (Group2) 1, 2, 3
Static variation 2
Event variation 1
Double Binary Static variation (Group3) 2
Event variation (Group4) 1, 2, 3
Static variation 2
Event variation 1
Binary Output Status Static variation (Group10) 1, 2
Event variation (Group11) 1, 2
Static variation 2
Event variation 1
Counter Static variation (Group20) 1, 2, 5, 6
Event variation (Group22) 1, 2, 5, 6
Static variation 1
Event variation 1
Frozen Counter Static variations (Group21) 1, 2, 5, 6, 9,10
Event variation (Group23) 1, 2, 5, 6
Static variation 1
Event variation 1
Analog Static variation (Group30) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Event variation (Group32) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Static variation 1
Event variation 1
Analog Output Status Static variation (Group40) 1, 2, 3, 4
Event variation (Group42) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Static variation 1
Event variation 1
Time and Interval Static variation (Group50) 1 Static variation 1
Octet String Static variation (Group110) 0
Event variation (Group111) 0
Static variation 0
Event variation 0

Debugging the DNP3 Master service

If configuration for DNP3 devices is set up, handler for protocol will start automatically. If configuration is missing or contains errors, protocol will not start. It is done intentionally decrease unnecessary memory usage.

DNP3 protocol runs a service called dnp3-­master. If DNP3 does not work properly (e.g. no communication between devices, data is corrupted, etc.), a user can launch a debug session from command line interface and find out why link is not functioning properly. To launch a debugging session, a user should stop dnp3-­master process and run dnp3-m­aster command with respective flags as in the table given below.

Procedure for DNP3 Master protocol service debugging:

  • Step 1: Service must be stopped by entering the following command into the wcclite: /etc/init.d/dnp3-­master stop
  • Step 2: After service is stopped it must be started with the preferred configuration file (JSON files found in /etc/ folder) and a debug level 7: dnp3­-master ­-c /etc/dnp3-­master/dnp3­master.json ­-d7Additional output forming options described in the table below.
  • Step 3: Once the problem is diagnosed normal operations can be resumed with the following command: /etc/init.d/dnp3-­master start

dnp3­-master command line debugging options

Option  Description
­-h [ –help ]  Display help information
­-V [ –version ]  Show version
-p [ –port ] ­Show output for one port only
­-d <debug level> Set debugging level
-­c [ –config ]  Config path
-­a [ –app ] Show application layer data
–l [ –link ]  Show link layer data
–t [ –transport ]  Show transport layer data
-­r [ –redis ]  Show Redis messages
-­R [ –readyfile ]  Ready notification file