Firmware and tools
IOMOD Firmware version 2 Downloads
Only the Modbus RTU protocol is fully tested for this firmware version. IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-103 are still being tested and will be fully tested in future versions.
IOMOD Utility -> Download
Firmware version 2 for IOMODs 8DI8DO, 8DI4RO, 16DI, 4RTD and 8AI -> Download
Firmware version 2 for IOMODs 4Cs4Vs, Meter and FPI -> Download
IOMod series downloads
Here you can find our latest firmware versions.
IOMod series has 3 firmware types:
- with communication over Modbus RTU protocol;
- with communication over IEC 60870-5-103 protocol.
- with communication over IEC 60870-5-101 protocol.
IOMOD USB drivers for Windows
IOMOD FIRMWARE WITH IEC 60870-5-101 V1.0.6
Firmware v1.0.6 -> Download
IOMOD FIRMWARE WITH IEC 60870-5-103 V1.8.7
Firmware v1.8.7 -> Download
Firmware v1.21.2 -> Download
IOMOD 4Cs4Vs, IOMOD Meter FIRMWARE WITH MODBUS RTU + IEC 60870-5-103 (Multiprotocol version)
Firmware v1.3.5 -> Download
Known issues
With firmware versions IEC 103 and modbus RTU, 8AI calibration saving is flawed. It doesn't save the values unless you change some other parameters. For example, after editing the calibration you need to change the link address for the configuration to be saved.